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Chiricahua Desert Museum
Geronimo Event Center
Rodeo, New Mexico
July 24-27, 2024
Registration and Costs
Abstract Submission
Geronimo Event Center
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Survival of Mexican lizards at freezing temperatures
The kinematics of chemosensory tongue-flicking in Gila monsters (Heloderma suspectum) and otheranguimorphan lizards
Lizard project reloaded: an addition to LTER lizard distribution data at Sevilleta National WildlifeRefuge
Pleistocene lizards from La Brea Tar Pits, Los Angeles
Males lose more than tails: caudal autotomy results in altered habitat use and food acquisition behavior in male day geckos, but not females
Intense female-female aggression in the Gila monster (Heloderma suspectum)
What is a lizard? Emerging insights from studies of Heloderma
Neogene fossil history of helodermatids, anguids, and osteoderms
Comparing phylogeographic patterns of fringe-toed lizards (Uma) and Flat-tailed Horned Lizards(Phrynosoma mcallii) across a fragmented Colorado Desert landscape
Deep and complex nesting in two monitor lizards with predictions for other lizard species
Survival of Mexican lizards at freezing temperatures
The kinematics of chemosensory tongue-flicking in Gila monsters (Heloderma suspectum) and otheranguimorphan lizards
Lizard project reloaded: an addition to LTER lizard distribution data at Sevilleta National WildlifeRefuge
Pleistocene lizards from La Brea Tar Pits, Los Angeles
Males lose more than tails: caudal autotomy results in altered habitat use and food acquisition behavior in male day geckos, but not females
Intense female-female aggression in the Gila monster (Heloderma suspectum)
What is a lizard? Emerging insights from studies of Heloderma
Neogene fossil history of helodermatids, anguids, and osteoderms
Comparing phylogeographic patterns of fringe-toed lizards (Uma) and Flat-tailed Horned Lizards(Phrynosoma mcallii) across a fragmented Colorado Desert landscape
Deep and complex nesting in two monitor lizards with predictions for other lizard species
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