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Chiricahua Desert Museum
Geronimo Event Center
Rodeo, New Mexico
July 24-27, 2024
Registration and Costs
Abstract Submission
Geronimo Event Center
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Urban ecology and conservation of Texas Horned Lizards living in small towns
Long-term monitoring of Dunes Sagebrush Lizards in New Mexico: understanding population trends for conservation insight
Ecological niche modeling and species-specific distributions of helodermatid lizards (Genus Heloderma)
Investigating fecundity selection and sexual dimorphism in the Gila Monster (Heloderma suspectum)
Spatial ecology of Gila Monsters
Using species distribution modeling to evaluate priority areas for conservation and management of Gila Monsters
Combining spatial ecology, landscape genomics, and GIS habitat modeling to improve managementand conservation of Gila Monsters (Heloderma suspectum) in Nevada
Green iguanas in Florida: a contemporary assessment of known and potential impacts
Dangerous Pogonomyrmex ants are source of dietary compound(s) in Phrynosoma’s blood-squirting defense following evolved prey-capture techniques for overcoming vertebrate-targeted pain-toxins
Prospects for the spread of alien lizard species in Eastern Europe
Survival of Mexican lizards at freezing temperatures
The kinematics of chemosensory tongue-flicking in Gila monsters (Heloderma suspectum) and otheranguimorphan lizards
Lizard project reloaded: an addition to LTER lizard distribution data at Sevilleta National WildlifeRefuge
Pleistocene lizards from La Brea Tar Pits, Los Angeles
Males lose more than tails: caudal autotomy results in altered habitat use and food acquisition behavior in male day geckos, but not females
Intense female-female aggression in the Gila monster (Heloderma suspectum)
What is a lizard? Emerging insights from studies of Heloderma
Neogene fossil history of helodermatids, anguids, and osteoderms
Comparing phylogeographic patterns of fringe-toed lizards (Uma) and Flat-tailed Horned Lizards(Phrynosoma mcallii) across a fragmented Colorado Desert landscape
Deep and complex nesting in two monitor lizards with predictions for other lizard species
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